
Ounce Insights

October 4, 2023
Introducing Ounce

“The nation needs Ounce, but for right now, I want to say thank you for having Ounce in our neighborhood,” says Lakeith, an Ounce D.C. resident who smiles at our team as she heads out of the property community room and back to her apartment.

June 8, 2023
Investing in Healthier Neighborhoods

On City Health’s dashboard, look up any city in the United States and cycle through the health and social metrics (diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, life expectancy, food security, education, employment), and the heat map looks more or less the same.

May 18, 2023
Building Trust with Medicaid Members through Personalized Care

In healthcare, trust is an invaluable currency. It forms the foundation of the patient-provider relationship, leading to improved health outcomes and increased satisfaction.

May 17, 2023
Improving Engagement: Meet Members Where They Live

Medicaid plays such a crucial role in providing healthcare coverage for low-income individuals and families in the US.

May 16, 2023
Providing Preventive Care and Regular Health Screenings in Affordable Housing Communities

Prevention is one of the most important pillars of public health, with missed prevention opportunities costing the United States $55 billion every year.

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connect health & housing?